Auckland City Mission – Homeground

e Tāpui Atawhai’s new home – HomeGround – has opened its doors.

Skip Bin Safety Tips

Gorilla bins are great for all sorts of projects, from house and garage clean-ups to construction and renovations.

Schools Clean Rubbish – The Tread Lightly Caravan Swings Into Action

The Litter Blitz at Dawson Primary last Thursday, 12 November, was a great event. In just over an hour, the students, along with a significant number of parent and community helpers, picked up 232.69 kg of litter and rubbish!

Randwick Park Primary and Waikowhai Primary School Litter Blitz

Congratulations to Randwick Park Primary and Waikowhai Primary School on highly successful Litter Blitzs!

This is no ordinary waste bin!

The vision of Sea Cleaners is to preserve New Zealand’s Coastline for the benefit of marine life and the enjoyment of all users.

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