15 January 2024

Auckland City Mission – Homeground

e Tāpui Atawhai’s new home – HomeGround – has opened its doors.

The Auckland City Mission – Te Tāpui Atawhai’s new home – HomeGround – has opened its doors.
HomeGround has been built to assist in solving chronic homelessness in Auckland with purpose-built housing and a social services facility for some of our most vulnerable community members.

Permanent Housing
HomeGround has 80 apartments for tenants, with 40 studio apartments dedicated to the chronic homeless. For many tenants, this will be the first time in a long time that they’ve had a permanent place to call home. It’s a secure place where the doors lock, where people know that they’re safe, and a place that’s theirs. The residents also have access to a rooftop garden, residents’ lounge and community dining room.

Managed Withdrawal Services and more

HomeGround also houses a social and medical detox unit with 30 beds. The Mission handles social support, and Waitematā DHB’s Community Alcohol and Drug Services manage the medical floor. There is easy access to the on-site medical centre and pharmacy, various assessment rooms, public showers and toilets.

The HomeGround facility is based on the successful Common Ground Model, operating in New York, Australia and Canada.
The model intends to instil pride and dignity into everyone who enters the welcoming, modern and warm building. HomeGround will also connect with the broader community by creating community activity rooms and commercial spaces for social enterprise opportunities.

The government, Auckland Council, Auckland District Health Board, Foundation North, companies, and public members have all contributed to the $110 million costs of building HomeGround. Green Gorilla has been an avid supporter of the development of HomeGround and is thrilled that it is operating. Auckland City Mission partner with Green Gorilla for their recycling and waste services.

More information about HomeGround is here

Auckland City Mission partners with Green Gorilla for their recycling and waste services. Our drivers collect all their compostable waste, recyclables, and general waste. Our relationship with Auckland City Mission has deepened over the years. This new partnership relates to our shared belief in helping Aucklanders. Green Gorilla are locally owned, and our roots run deep; our heritage is important. We are invested in our country environmentally, economically, and emotionally to cultivate a legacy that will live beyond us. People make the difference, which is why we invest in them. Just as we aim to leave our environment better, we want to leave our people better too. Green Gorilla provide Auckland Recycling & Waste Solutions for charities that fit our values and criteria.

HomeGround, the new building of Auckland City Mission – Te Tāpui Atawhai, is now open. It’s a place of transformation and healing for people in desperate need while welcoming all Aucklanders through the doors.

“This long-held, precious dream is finally a reality,” says Missioner – Manutaki, Helen Robinson. “For more than a decade, the Mission team and our supporters have meticulously planned and built HomeGround.”

This purpose-built space is a thriving central city community hub. In HomeGround, the Auckland City Mission – Te Tāpui Atawhai, offers a wide range of services and facilities for people in desperate need while welcoming all of Auckland to enjoy the building.
HomeGround brings together:

  • permanent housing
  • expanded health and social services
  • state of the art addiction withdrawal services facilities
  • a comprehensive programme of activities in a warm and welcoming space.

It’s based on proven international models of care to strengthen individuals, families and our community – especially people experiencing homelessness and other social issues.
HomeGround has 11 floors. It features 80 apartments with a shared rooftop garden and lounge, a community dining room, community spaces, a multi-disciplinary health centre, a pharmacy, addiction withdrawal services and retail spaces.

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