We’re Brave

We set the trends of waste services in our country. Fuelled by ambition, innovation and kiwi ingenuity, we brave uncharted territory to maximise recovery, re-use and recycling for a cleaner, greener New Zealand.​

We Aim Higher

Every day we ask ourselves, “how much better could it be?” We are intentionally tough on ourselves, and strive for excellence in everything we do. We bring our ‘A game’ everyday and aim to do it better.

We’re Here for Good

Our DNA is 100 percent kiwi. We are invested in our country environmentally, economically and emotionally to cultivate a legacy that will live beyond us.​

People make the difference, which is why we invest in them. Just as we aim to leave our environment better, we want to leave our people better too.

We Walk Tall

We take pride in who we are and what we do. We’re genuinely committed, honest to a fault and have more integrity than you can shake a stick at. Taking ownership is second nature to Green Gorilla.​

We’re One Team

Collaboration is key to our success. By utilising each other’s strengths, co-operating, communicating and collectively working towards a common goal, we achieve gorilla-sized success.​

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